

Near every time when i'm really sick, i'll ask myself a question" am I gonna die?" Fortunately, i''ve been through every single one of them!

This week is the hardest week in my entire life! I got a Flu during the beginning of the week, then i got a intestine infection during the same week. Isn't that sound fun? Nope it's not fun at all! I've been suffering through the whole week! With no one to help at all! Why? Cuz Dad is in a great trouble!

I know my dad well! He can be smart sometime, but in general he's a dumb man! He always do something that put himself and his family in a dangerous situation. Being his son, Its kind of fun sometime, but most of the time is suffering! I'm not so much a " wanna be wealthy" person, all i want is to be normal. However, in real life i'm always way more then normal! I'm the one always cleaning up my dad's mess! Always taking care of him!

Anyways, this entry its not to blame him. All i want to say is, i think i carry sickness all the time, even is physically or mentally! Also all i want is to focus on my own work like school or work or whatever! Cant you just let me breathe some time? The timing of you giving me mess to clean, is all wrong! I'm too sick of it! I just wanna leave and never come back! I have never feel this so strongly before!



it's been a long time since i updated this blog last time. Life is good here in Hong Kong, school about to come an end, finding jobs. it has been pretty normal.
I don't really know what to talk about though! Why don't talk about time? Every time i get on a bus, there are two things that i wanna do. First thing is reading my book, the second one is to listen to my I-pod. However, i found it weird that i wanna do both of them. It's like whenever i'm listening to the i-pod i'll feel bad for my book which's laying in my bag. HAHA I know this's pretty funny.
Speaking of books and music, I love both of them. For music, I have like a huge library in my itunes like 14 GBs. Of course my favourite type of music is Country. Country is my life! So if you're my friend and you don't it you better don't let me know about it=] For books, i currently reading the Sons of Fortune by Jeffery Archer. It's a fiction novel, but not like the kind fiction novel i used to read all the time, this's more realistic and it's talk about stuff that we face everyday. Like Law and army. So i think this's the reason why i like it!
Finally, I'm still waiting to hear back from my school's offer, also looking for a job for the summer. I know god has a great plan for that, but i'm kinda freak out right now. Cuz i remember how i had the church offer way before i started my holiday! So if any of you guys see this please pray for me! okay time to go, will update soon! cya