

Now it's 126 in the morning, i really should be in bed right now. However, i feel like i dont have much time to reflect on my life recently. Therefore, i should take sometimes and think about what i ve done in my life since i ve came back from Rwanda.

School started almost 2 months ago. How do you like it? Honestly, i dont like it at all. Actually, i ve found myself hating it. For what reason? Plenty of them. I dont even know where to start. I think i hate school is simply because it's kinda slowing me down for what i wanna do, like college apps. And stuff teach at school are just not so useful, i mean i find it interesting but not so the way i expected from a while ago. Classmates are complicated, ive always heard gossip everywhere i go. I mean i m not saying i m perfect and i think gossip will never be gone. But i mean come on! I have ups and downs already, i dont wanna hear people taking about other group of people bad things. It just kinda annoys me.

I also feel like im in a situation that im so stressful, i really wanna take sometime of to spend some quality time with my family and friends. This is actually the first i ve ever said something like this.

I feel so bad about cant be at church as much as used to be, and my relationship with god isnt as close as used to be. However, i know that i cant blame anyone about that, sometimes you just have to make time for god. And i somehow make myself repeating this thought in my mind all the time. ( God puts me to wherever you are now for a very special reason, you gonna be fine.) Sometimes, things go very crazy i just couldnt fine when im not. Therefore, bad temper and such awful behavior involved.

Finally, i ve decided to resign one of my jobs and my last day would be this Thursday. i really hope that God would lead me to a new stage of life that i can just simply get done with the things that i suppose to be finish on time. More importantly, finish my application for Moody.